Coaching in a Borderless World

Coaching in a Borderless World

We are creatures who seek value and community in a borderless world that has erupted with information, and has challenged us to reinvent the very notion of community.

The historical understanding of community— as culturally and geographically exclusive worldviews— does not fit anymore. We need a new way of thinking about community and what it means to be committed to something far larger than our narrow personal goals. We live in an interdependent whole that requires us to rethink the power and possibilities of relatedness.

What sort of value can the craft of coaching provide in such a world?

Coaching encompasses more than support for learners and professionals to achieve their material and psychological goals. The ontological approach aims to cultivate mindfulness of the conditions out of which such goals emerge in the first place, and this gets to the heart of what matters: the value and inspired life that can imbue our goals and our communities with meaning, compassion, and excellence.

Coaching is an opportunity to navigate the world differently—as inspired and active participants, rather than passive “information processors” drifting through jobs and relationships without purpose and dignity.

Coaching can provide us with skills and competencies to generate ways of being that we can passionately author— ways of being that speak to our spirit and to our feelings as much as our need to “just get by.”

Our approach speaks to the whole person—the person viewed as a history of cultural and environment forces, as an “opening” colored by moods, practices, and commitments, and as a porous boundary open to reinventing itself by cultivating and nurturing dynamic relationships, which are driven by concerns for the larger community.

We invite you to investigate how living the self as a porous boundary, anchored by the integrity of inspired and intentional commitments to a larger whole, can help you thrive in a world where economic, political, social, and environmental patterns are radically shifting.

We invite you to reinvent what it means to be a self in a world without narrow borders, and develop the language, practices, and ways of being by which you can lead with and guide others.

–May this help illuminate what was always there to begin with: infinite abundance!

© 2016, Ideal Coaching Global, Kevin Perry & Bettie J. Spruill

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